Currency rate

by DizzyStyle apps


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Actual information on dollar rates, euro and other currencies. You will always know the most exact daily exchange.Possibilities of the program:✓ Exchange rates✓ Registration prices of precious metals✓ Dynamics of quotations in the form of the schedule✓ the Possibility of the choice of the interesting date (yesterday, today, tomorrow) ✓ Convenient android-widget✓ Two subjects light and dark, also a possibility of change by that depending on time of day✓ Calculation of dynamics of quotations in a day✓ the Adjusted list of currencies✓ Control of a sequence of currencies in lists
Courses are established only on the working days, in days off and holidays courses aren't established and aren't updated! Courses are for tomorrow available only on the working days and only after 14:00 MOSCOW TIME!
Ruble exchange rates are updated automatically at an application launch and when pressing the updating button. In the absence of connection to the Internet the exchange rates loaded last time will be displayed
All data undertake from the website: (Central bank of the Russian Federation)
The application constantly is improved and new functions are added.Pleasant use!